Categories: Technology

How to Get Rid of Rust on Metal

Rusting is a natural reaction that iron and other metals go through when exposed to oxygen and water. This process is so commonplace that many of us have likely witnessed it at some point.

Fortunately, there are several effective methods to remove rust on metal. Some are natural and can be found in your kitchen or home; others require a chemical remover.

Baking Soda

If your metal tools or other items have rusted, baking soda is an inexpensive and accessible cleaning solution. This alkaline reacts with acids like vinegar to form air bubbles that lift rust particles away.

Baking soda is also an abrasive, providing scrubbing power to remove rust and other stains. When combined with water, baking soda becomes a concentrated alkaline solution.

Soak your rusty objects in this solution for at least an hour, then gently scrub any accumulated residue with a scouring pad. Repeat this process until all of the rust has been eliminated.

If your rust is stubborn, try white vinegar. Vinegar contains acetic acid, which is highly corrosive and will break down rust particles.


If your metal tools have become rusty, vinegar can help remove them quickly. Vinegar contains high amounts of acetic acid, which dissolves rust particles.

If the rust is stubborn, add salt to the solution. A cup of salt per gallon of vinegar will increase its acidity, making it more efficient at chewing up any traces of corrosion.

Add your rusty items to a container filled with one gallon of vinegar and one cup of salt, and let soak for at least 12 hours. Rinse them off thoroughly after elapsed, then dry them thoroughly.


Rust is an often occurring issue on various surfaces. It is caused by metals being exposed to water for extended periods. It can be particularly destructive when applied directly onto bare metal as it will corrode and dissolve the surface beneath.

There are several methods to remove rust on metal. One option is using salt as an abrasive.

This method works best for items with minor, easily reachable rust stains, such as toys or kitchen tools like knives and scissors.

Another way to remove rust from metal is using vinegar. This practical and affordable method breaks down rust by reacting with it and dissolving it.


Lemon juice is an effective natural cleaning agent that helps eliminate rust. Its citric acid can effectively clean metal deposits on the glass, crust on pipes, and rust stains on porcelain and metal.

Lemon juice can remove rust from garden tools, knives, and other small items. Mix lemon juice with salt in a solution, apply it on the affected area, and rub until all rust traces have been eliminated.

This solution can also be applied to remove rust on metal furniture, mainly outdoor patio furniture. It works best on small rust spots but will not remove corrosion from a piece completely coated in rust.

In addition to lemon juice, you can try a homemade paste made with baking soda and lemon juice to clean brass and copper. The abrasive texture of the mixture buffs away soft surfaces while restoring your brass and copper to their original glory.


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