Free Guest Posting Sites

Free guest posting sites allow writers to post articles on other websites without incurring a charge, benefiting from increased visibility and brand recognition as well as improving writing skills. How to Publish Guest Posts from Google News Approved Blogs.

When selecting a website, search for those with high domain and page authority ratings (DA/PA). A quality site will feature low spam scores and a TF/CF ratio.


Guest posting topics range from programming, software engineering, and technology trends, making this the ideal spot for web developers looking to promote their work to prospective clients. Furthermore, all published articles are promoted via social media, which is an effective way of spreading the word about your business.

By publishing featured content on these websites, you can increase your domain authority and improve your site’s position on search engines over time. This is an effective way of raising brand visibility and drawing qualified traffic without spending money on paid advertisements.

A reputable online marketing blog, it publishes insightful pieces on SEO, PPC, and other digital strategies for financial service brands to gain access to new audiences and build trust. Click here for their website.

The Latest Tech News

Online platforms that deliver the latest tech news can be an invaluable resource for tech enthusiasts and professionals. Many such platforms update daily, enabling readers to stay abreast of emerging innovations and trends within the industry.

These sites include Slashdot, Inspirationfeed, and Pragmatic Bookshelf. They accept guest posts on topics such as devices, entertainment, building technologies, technology, and science, as well as podcasts and videos. Expert Guide to Publish Guest Posts.

Guest posting can be an effective way to expand your visibility and boost search engine rankings, demonstrate your expertise, and become a thought leader within your industry. Submission guidelines must be strictly adhered to to ensure the posts are published successfully and receive editorial approval. Patience should also be exercised while waiting for an editor’s response.

Scotsman Guide

The Scotsman Guide is a premier US mortgage industry trade/B2B magazine with two publications targeted towards different markets – one residential magazine and one commercial magazine – dedicated to each market segment. Published monthly with over 26,000 professionals reading it each month, its robust online presence includes lender search services and loan post listings in addition to an expansive archive. Furthermore, the company hosts various events related to the mortgage industry. Guide on Publish Guest Posts on Pensivly?

In 2012, Commercial Edition unveiled Done Deals – a section that allows commercial mortgage lenders to showcase their completed deals – and Proven Direct Lender Certification, an audit program to audit lenders for direct lending capabilities. Two years later, in 2014, Scotsman Guide also unveiled its news service, providing original industry reporting, which is published daily online and sent via weekly e-newsletter.

Elephant Journal

Elephant Journal is one of the largest online mindful writing platforms, hosting articles covering various topics such as heartbreak, relationships, parenting, yoga, veganism, and vegan lifestyles. The site is entirely user-generated, with support provided by an excellent team of editors and Elephant Academy, its very own writer’s academy.

The Agreements also contain important details about your rights and responsibilities, such as payment terms, automatic renewals, limitations of liability, privacy information, and resolution by arbitration instead of litigation. You should read them thoroughly.

Elephant Journal reserves the right to alter or cease offering the Service or its functions and features in any way, at any time, in whole or part. Should this service be discontinued, Elephant Journal will refund any prepaid fees. Furthermore, Elephant Journal may occasionally modify these Terms; should any material modifications occur, we will notify you prior to their taking effect.